Sunday, February 22, 2009

Spending the day in Seattle!!

So Saturday Marc takes a day off! He has been working a lot lately and we wanted to do something as a family! The girls LOVE to go to Seattle, and we hadn't been to the aquarium yet so we decided to hop in the Jeep and go!! We get on the ferry and everyone wants to go upstairs except Daddy!! So he stayed in the car and we went upstairs!

When it was time to go back to the car Sophie had a meltdown! She didn't want to go back to the car, she wanted to go to Seattle! I tried to explain to her if we didn't go back to the car we wouldn't get to go to Seattle we would just go back home!! I eventually got her back in the car, and she finally settled down!

When we got to the Aquarium and got in line to go in, Sophie had another meltdown!! She didn't want to go to this place! She wanted to go somewhere else!! We hadn't told the little ones where we were going, because we wanted to suprise them! I guess that didn't work out to well for us! After we got in she settled back down! Until she had to go potty! Since Marc refuses to take them in the men's room, I took her. She was fine until I told her to wash her hands! Yep, you guessed it ANOTHER meltdown!! So I picked her up and washed her hands and took her back to Daddy!

After that we had a nice time!

They even went and rode the carousel!

Here are some pictures from Octopus week at the Aquarium!

Even with the fits we had a good time and we will miss our Seattle trips when we move! We look forward to what Chicago has to offer for our day trips this summer and fall!

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